

要約 【大川隆法死去までの66年】20年間イジメを受け東大で統合失調症→幸福の科学設立し年商500億・年収6億の漢(大川隆法の霊言by教祖の息子 宏洋)



Mr. Okawa was a person who stood out from those around him from an early age, achieving excellent grades in high school. He began giving spiritual talks while a student at the University of Tokyo, and after graduation he continued his spiritual activities while working for a trading company. 1986 he quit his job and began giving lectures to gather followers, and in 1991 he founded Happy Science. In its heyday, it had a large number of followers and was widely covered by the media. However, due to the Aum Shinrikyo incident, the public's perception of the religion grew stronger, and the organization kept its outward activities low-key. Currently, there are 11 million believers, and they are also remotely involved in the coronavirus disaster. Okawa criticized the Unification Church and claimed the legitimacy of Happy Science.


(00:00) 霊言のメカニズムについて説明。別人格の意識を降ろして話すため、本人の深層心理が語られる可能性がある。
(01:05) 大川隆法氏の霊を呼び出す儀式を行う。

(00:00) He explained the mechanism of psychic speech. Since he speaks by bringing down the consciousness of another personality, there is a possibility that the depths of his own mind will be spoken.
(01:05) A ceremony to invoke the spirit of Mr. Ryuho Okawa.

(02:10) 大川氏の霊が降りてきて、信者や資金が不足していると嘆く。
(03:20) インタビュアーの学歴について質問し、卒業の見込みを尋ねる。

(02:10) Mr. Okawa's spirit descends and laments the lack of followers and funds.
(03:20) He questions the interviewer about his educational background and asks if he expects to graduate.

(04:23) 大川氏の幼少期について語る。徳島の山奥の出身で、高校時代は成績優秀だった。
(05:37) 東京大学時代の話。試験は100点を取り続け、剣道部で主将を務めていた。

(04:23) Mr. Okawa talks about his childhood. He is from deep in the mountains of Tokushima and had excellent grades in high school.
(05:37) Talks about his time at the University of Tokyo. He kept getting 100 points in exams and was the captain of the kendo club.

(06:42) 東京大学を留年した理由を説明。司法試験の勉強で単位を落とした。

(08:52) 会社時代の霊言活動について。会社に隠れて活動していた。
(09:57) 会社を辞めた理由。霊言活動がバレて、会社を辞めることを選んだ。

(06:42) Explains why he stayed in Tokyo University. He lost credits in studying for the bar exam.

(08:52) About his spiritual activities during his company days. He was active behind the company's back.
(09:57) Reason why he quit the company. He chose to leave the company after his spiritual activities were exposed.

(11:00) 幸福の科学の設立について。講演会を開いて信者を集め、規模を拡大していった。
(12:04) 全盛期の幸福の科学。出版物が売れ、飛行船で広告を出していた。

(11:00) The establishment of Kofuku-no Kagaku. He held lectures, gathered followers, and expanded the scale of his activities.
(12:04) Happy Science in its heyday. Publications were sold and advertised on airships.

(13:08) 霊言を始めたきっかけ。1981年3月、天上界からメッセージを受け取った。
(14:10) 家族の反応。宗教に理解のある家庭だったため、すんなりと受け入れられた。

(13:08) How he started giving spiritual talks; in March 1981, he received a message from the heavenly realm.
(14:10) Family reaction. The family was very understanding of religion, so it was readily 

(15:13) 会社を辞めてからの活動。すぐに幸福の科学を設立し、霊言集の出版を続けた。
(16:14) オウム真理教事件の影響。幸福の科学も批判されるようになり、表立った活動は控えた。

(15:13) Activities after quitting the company. He soon established Happy Science and continued to publish spiritual books.
(16:14) Influence of the Aum Shinrikyo incident. Happy Science also came under criticism and refrained from outward activities.
(17:18) メディア出演時の論戦について。論破されているように見えても、本当は大川氏の方が正しいと主張。
(18:22) 幸福の科学の集金システムについて。建物を建てて泊まりに来てもらい、お金をもらう仕組みを作った。

(17:18) On debates during media appearances. He claimed that Okawa was actually right, even though it appeared that he was being debunked.
(18:22) On the collection system of Kofuku-no-Kagaku. The system was set up to get money by building a building and having people come and stay overnight.
(19:27) 子供について。5人の子供がいるが、再婚しているため詳細は控える。
(20:30) 幸福の科学の信者数。全世界に1100万人の信者がいると主張。

(19:27) About his children; he has five children, but refrains from giving details because he has remarried.
(20:30) Number of followers of Kofuku-no Kagaku. Claims to have 11 million followers worldwide.

(21:33) 最近の活動について。コロナ禍でリモートでの活動にシフトしている。
(22:41) 統一教会との関係。統一教会邪教だと批判し、幸福の科学の正当性を主張。

(21:33) Recent activities. Shifting to remote activities due to the coronavirus disaster.
(22:41) Relationship with the Unification Church. Criticizes the Unification Church as pagan and claims the legitimacy of Happy Science.

(23:43) 実際の大川氏の人生について。いじめられっ子で友達がおらず、好きな女性にストーカーまがいの行為をしていた。司法試験に落ち、統合失調症を発症して霊言を始めた。
(24:47) 兄弟について。兄の方が優秀だったが、大川氏はそれを自分の話にすり替えている。

(23:43) On Okawa's actual life. He was bullied, had no friends, and stalked women he liked. He failed the bar exam, developed schizophrenia, and started spirituality.
(24:47) About his siblings. His brother was better than him, but Okawa turns it into his story.

(25:52) 詐欺師の話し方の特徴について。危ないところを突っ込まれるとうまく話をすり替える。
(26:46) まとめ。大川氏の主張は幸福の科学統一教会はほぼ同じであると理解してほしい。

(25:52) On the characteristics of a con artist's speaking style. He successfully switches his story when he gets into a dangerous place.
(26:46) Summary. Please understand that Okawa's claim is that Happy Science and Unification Church are almost the same.