

イスラム法 シャリーアとは? 【出典有】

イスラム法 シャリーアとは?


Sharia, the legal system of Islam, is a comprehensive legal framework that governs all aspects of Muslim life, with the Quran (holy book) and Sunnah (records of Muhammad's words and actions) as its explicit sources of law. The supplementary sources of Sharia are Ijma (consensus of scholars) and Qiyas (analogical reasoning).


Sharia classifies human actions into five categories: obligatory, recommended, permissible, disliked, and prohibited. There is a gray area between obligatory and prohibited actions, which is judged according to the situation. Sharia encompasses not only criminal law but also politics, economics, family relations, and all aspects of life.


Sharia means "God's perfect law" and is considered immutable. However, human interpretation through fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) can flexibly change according to the times and circumstances. There are four major schools of Islamic law (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i, and Hanbali), and although there are differences in interpretation, the basic principles are common.

シャリーアは領土主義が原則であり、[1] イスラム教徒に限らず一定の地域に居住するすべての人に適用される。ただし、一部の国ではイスラム教徒のみにシャリーアが適用される属人主義を採用している。

Sharia is based on the principle of territoriality [1] and applies to all people residing in a certain area, not just Muslims. However, some countries adopt the principle of personality, where Sharia applies only to Muslims.


Many Islamic countries have adopted a mixed legal system where Sharia coexist with secular law, and the scope of Sharia's application varies from country to country. Since the modern era, many countries have partially introduced secular legal systems from a human rights perspective.


There are many unclear aspects regarding the application of Sharia under the Taliban regime. Extremist organizations impose inhumane punishments based on extreme interpretations of Sharia, which differ from the interpretations of traditional Islamic jurists. Foreign countries are closely monitoring the situation with high tension.



[1] シャリーア




歴史要約 中世 カロリングルネサンスと、スコラ学について



In the Middle Ages, which was considered a dark age, there were events that laid the groundwork for the Renaissance, such as the Carolingian Renaissance. Charlemagne, king of the Frankish Empire, expanded his territory and focused on the development of the church and the promotion of education to govern. This is called the Carolingian Renaissance, which included the revival of Latin, standardized curriculum, and the establishment of educational institutions.


Pepin II, Charlemagne's ancestor, became the mayor of the palace of the Merovingian dynasty and expanded his power. Charles Martel prevented Islamic forces, and Pepin III was crowned by the Pope. Charlemagne expanded his territory and sought to centralize power for governance.


Charlemagne made Christianity the axis of his rule, focusing on improving the quality of clergy and the development of the church. As there were few intellectuals among the Franks, he also worked on promoting education. These efforts are called the Carolingian Renaissance.


The three notable points of the Carolingian Renaissance are the revival of Latin, standardized educational curriculum, and the establishment of educational institutions. Latin was no longer commonly used, but with the development of Carolingian minuscule, it became easier to read, and classical works were transcribed.


Charlemagne gathered learned clergy to his court, and Alcuin created a standardized curriculum. He systematized the seven liberal arts and ordered the establishment of schools throughout the land. This led to later scholasticism, the era of great translations, and the 12th-century Renaissance.





Scholasticism is a style of learning that aimed to study monastic books and resolve contradictions through reason. Attempts were made to prove the existence of God with faith and reason as themes. Anselm presented an ontological proof, while Thomas Aquinas offered a cosmological proof. Eventually, Kant concluded that reason cannot prove the existence of God, and philosophy diverged from Christianity. Scholasticism served as the beginning of this by focusing on faith and reason.


Anselm of Canterbury, called the father of scholasticism, presented an ontological proof. He argued that God is the greatest being, and a real God is greater than an imaginary one, therefore God exists. However, the premise remains questionable.


Thomas Aquinas integrated Aristotelian philosophy with Christian theology and attempted a cosmological proof. He explained the existence of God as the fundamental cause, arguing that all events have causes.


Even after scholasticism, attempts to prove God's existence continued, but Kant concluded it could not be proven by reason, and philosophy diverged from Christianity. Scholasticism's focus on faith and reason served as the beginning of this process.




キリスト教思想の転機 アウグスティヌスと修道院



The audio explained the life and thoughts of Augustine, who had a significant influence on Christian thought.


In his youth, Augustine lived a dissolute life, but after being involved with Manichaeism, he eventually converted to Christianity.


One of his main ideas was the doctrine of "original sin," which held that human will is powerless and cannot be saved without divine grace. This was in opposition to the Pelagian doctrine of free will.


Additionally, Augustine presented the dualistic worldview of the City of God and the City of Man, asserting that the Church was the gateway to the City of God.


This idea of the City of God later became a theory that justified the connection between the Catholic Church and secular power.


Augustine's thoughts had a significant impact on the increase of the Church's power in medieval Europe and the Protestant Reformation.





Monasteries were facilities where ascetic communal living and spiritual training took place in isolated locations. Beginning with the first monk Antony, the Benedictine Order spread across Western Europe under the principle of "pray and work" established by Benedict. Pope Gregory I worked to establish the authority of the Roman Church and convert the Germanic peoples, using monasteries as a base. However, corruption also occurred, leading to reforms by the Cluniac and Cistercian orders. Mendicant orders also emerged. Monasteries played a significant role in preserving scholarship.


The origins of monasteries lie with the hermit Anthony the Great. At age 20, after the death of his parents, he renounced his wealth and went into the desert. After 15 years of asceticism, disciples gradually gathered around him, leading to the establishment of a monastery.


At the Monastery of Anthony, communal living and an ascetic lifestyle were practiced. This way of life spread throughout the Eastern Roman Empire, and monks began living even in urban areas.


In the West, Benedict established monastic life under the principle of "pray and work." Twelve monasteries were built, and his monastic rule spread throughout Western Europe.


As disciples gathered around Benedict, he faced jealousy. He moved to Monte Cassino, where he spent the rest of his life. His monastic rule formed the basis of the medieval monastic system in Europe.


A Benedictine monk, Gregory I, became Pope and worked to spread the order of the Catholic Church throughout the Western world by engaging with the Germanic kingdoms.


Gregory I's reforms rectified the decadence of the Church, but corruption emerged again later. The Cluniac and Cistercian orders carried out reforms.


Gregory I advised the Germanic kingdoms and sought their participation in the Christian order. In return, he demonstrated moral authority. Using monasteries as a base, he also proselytized among the populace.


In the evangelization of England, the monk Augustine established a monastery and cathedral in Canterbury, and in 664 at the Synod of Whitby, unity was achieved with the Celtic Church.


The Cluniac monastery was established as a free monastery subject only to papal authority and influenced monastic reform in Western Europe. However, corruption emerged, leading to criticism from the Cistercian order.


The mendicant orders of Dominicans and Franciscans emerged, living in cities and guiding the spiritual lives of citizens through preaching. The possession of private property was prohibited.


By spreading throughout Western Europe, monasteries played a role in preserving knowledge and literature, laying the foundation for the revival of scholarship in the High Middle Ages.




This summary explains the issue of orthodoxy and heresy within Christianity.

When the Roman Empire recognized Christianity, there was a demand for unified doctrine, leading to the persecution of heresies. The criteria for determining heresy were the fundamental creeds established at councils such as the Council of Nicaea.


In the beginning, the concept of heresy existed in the Jewish tradition as well. As Christianity grew larger, differences in opinion led to violent persecution.


Emperor Constantine tried to mediate disputes within Christianity. At the two Councils of Nicaea, the doctrine of the Trinity was declared orthodox, and Arianism was declared heretical.


The Trinity refers to the teaching that the three aspects of the Father God, the Son God Christ, and the Holy Spirit are one. The Arians, who viewed Christ as a created being, were declared heretical.


Afterwards, teachings that did not conform to the fundamental creeds such as the Nicene Creed were considered heretical, and all except Athanasianism were banned. Heresies found refuge outside the empire.


By aligning with power, Christianity suppressed heresies and became the mainstream of European civilization. However, the concept of heresy also had an aspect of hindering the development of scholarship.




The philosophers attempted to integrate Greek philosophy with Christian doctrine and rationalize Christianity. They tried to counter the prejudices against Christianity at that time by explaining Christian doctrine within the framework of Greek philosophy.


In the early days of Christianity, there were various prejudices against it from pagans. A theoretical refutation was needed to address these prejudices. This led to the emergence of pessimistic philosophers who were well-versed in Greek philosophy.

ユスティヌス、クレメンスらは哲学用語ロゴスを用いてキリスト教の教義を説明した。*[1] クレメンスはプラトン哲学の影響を強く受けていた。

Justinus and Clement explained Christian doctrine using the philosophical term "Logos". *[1] Clement was strongly influenced by Platonic philosophy.

In the philosophical terms used, Logos was understood as the logic that constitutes the world. Justin explained that Jesus Christ himself is the perfect Logos.


Origen was also well-versed in the Gnostic tradition of Judaism. To distinguish orthodox thought from heretical ideas, he established the allegorical interpretation of the Bible.


The establishment of a methodology for biblical interpretation made it possible to distinguish between heresy and orthodoxy. However, due to differences in interpretation, Origen's own interpretations were later deemed heretical.

*[1] 出典





要約 キリスト教とは? キリスト教成立時期について解説



Jesus was born into the family of Joseph and Mary, and began his religious activities around the age of 30 after being baptized. He preached about God's love, unconditional love, and love for one's neighbors, emphasizing that the love of God behind the law was more important than the formality of the law itself. Jesus taught that because everyone bears sin, people should forgive each other in accordance with God's love. He also made love for God the first commandment and love for neighbors the second. He preached that the kingdom of God is within people's hearts. Jesus' teachings were also a critique of Judaism, so the Jewish leaders handed him over to the Romans as a rebel, and he was crucified. Jesus' few years of activity were later systematized into Christianity.


After being baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus preached about God's love, unconditional love, and love for one's neighbors. He emphasized that the love of God behind the law was more important than the formality of the law itself. Jesus taught that because everyone bears sin, people should forgive each other in accordance with God's love.


In Jesus' time, Judaism was divided into the Pharisees, who emphasized the law to protect ethnic identity, and the Herodians, who pursued conciliatory policies as part of the Roman Empire. Jesus criticized the formalism of the law and preached about the love of God.


Jesus made love for God the first commandment and love for neighbors the second. He taught that loving God would not lead to a loss of ethnic identity, and through love for neighbors, he preached to love even those with different ideas and thoughts.


Jesus preached that the kingdom of God is within people's hearts. His teachings were also a critique of Judaism, so the Jewish leaders handed him over to the Romans as a rebel, and he was crucified. Jesus' few years of activity were later systematized by his disciples into Christianity.






Paul played a crucial role in spreading Jesus' teachings to the Gentiles. Originally, Paul was a Pharisee who persecuted the followers of Jesus. However, after receiving a revelation from Jesus, he underwent a conversion. As a Roman citizen who could speak Greek, Paul was able to preach Jesus' teachings to the Gentiles.

The Council of Jerusalem decided that Gentile Christians should not be forced to follow Jewish law. However, this was not a fundamental solution, as Jesus' teachings were based on the Jewish scriptures. Paul found the significance of atonement in Jesus' death. He argued that through Jesus' death, which atoned for Adam's sin, God forgave the sins of mankind. This is the concept of atonement.

Paul taught that only by believing in Jesus' teachings can one be justified and saved. Paul's concept of atonement made it possible to regard Jesus as an object of faith. Later believers went on to deify Jesus. Paul laid the foundation for Christian thought, including the Trinity and justification by faith.


Paul was originally a Pharisee who persecuted the followers of Jesus. However, after receiving a revelation from Jesus, he underwent a conversion. As a Roman citizen who could speak Greek, Paul was able to preach Jesus' teachings to the Gentiles.


The Council of Jerusalem decided that Gentile Christians should not be forced to follow Jewish law. However, this was not a fundamental solution, as Jesus' teachings were based on the Jewish scriptures. Paul found the significance of atonement in Jesus' death. He argued that through Jesus' death, which atoned for Adam's sin, God forgave the sins of mankind.


Paul taught that only by believing in Jesus' teachings can one be justified and saved. Paul's concept of atonement made it possible to regard Jesus as an object of faith. Later believers went on to deify Jesus.


Paul laid the foundation for Christian thought, including the Trinity and justification by faith.



The Yogacara school and Esoteric Buddhism emerged, and Indian Buddhism gradually declined. The Yogacara school explained the workings of the mind using eight consciousnesses, with the alaya-vijnana as the foundation. Esoteric Buddhism incorporated magical elements and assimilated Indian deities into Buddhism. The distinction between Buddhism and Hinduism became blurred, and Hinduism gained dominance due to the fragmentation of North India and the spread of Islam. The Islamic invasion of India was the final blow to Buddhism's decline. Today, only a small number of Buddhists remain.


In the 4th century, the Yogacara school emerged. It explained cognition using eight consciousnesses: the six senses (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind), the manas (subconscious), and the alaya-vijnana (store-consciousness). The alaya-vijnana was said to contain the seeds that give rise to all things.


Monks such as Xuanzang transmitted the teachings of the Yogacara school to China, which also spread to Japan. Within Buddhism, Esoteric Buddhism emerged, incorporating magical elements. Esoteric Buddhism assimilated Indian deities, giving rise to objects of worship such as Mahamayuri (the Peacock Wisdom King).


The distinction between Buddhism and Hinduism became blurred, and Buddhism fell into steady decline due to the fragmentation of North India and the Islamic invasion. In Hinduism, there were movements to regard the Buddha as an avatar of Vishnu and to consider Buddhism as a sect of Hinduism.


In present-day India, Buddhists make up about 0.7% of the population. In South India, Buddhism survived until around the 14th-15th centuries, but in North India, it was nearly eradicated due to the destruction of Buddha statues by Islam and other factors.