

要約 キリスト教とは? キリスト教成立時期について解説



Jesus was born into the family of Joseph and Mary, and began his religious activities around the age of 30 after being baptized. He preached about God's love, unconditional love, and love for one's neighbors, emphasizing that the love of God behind the law was more important than the formality of the law itself. Jesus taught that because everyone bears sin, people should forgive each other in accordance with God's love. He also made love for God the first commandment and love for neighbors the second. He preached that the kingdom of God is within people's hearts. Jesus' teachings were also a critique of Judaism, so the Jewish leaders handed him over to the Romans as a rebel, and he was crucified. Jesus' few years of activity were later systematized into Christianity.


After being baptized by John the Baptist, Jesus preached about God's love, unconditional love, and love for one's neighbors. He emphasized that the love of God behind the law was more important than the formality of the law itself. Jesus taught that because everyone bears sin, people should forgive each other in accordance with God's love.


In Jesus' time, Judaism was divided into the Pharisees, who emphasized the law to protect ethnic identity, and the Herodians, who pursued conciliatory policies as part of the Roman Empire. Jesus criticized the formalism of the law and preached about the love of God.


Jesus made love for God the first commandment and love for neighbors the second. He taught that loving God would not lead to a loss of ethnic identity, and through love for neighbors, he preached to love even those with different ideas and thoughts.


Jesus preached that the kingdom of God is within people's hearts. His teachings were also a critique of Judaism, so the Jewish leaders handed him over to the Romans as a rebel, and he was crucified. Jesus' few years of activity were later systematized by his disciples into Christianity.






Paul played a crucial role in spreading Jesus' teachings to the Gentiles. Originally, Paul was a Pharisee who persecuted the followers of Jesus. However, after receiving a revelation from Jesus, he underwent a conversion. As a Roman citizen who could speak Greek, Paul was able to preach Jesus' teachings to the Gentiles.

The Council of Jerusalem decided that Gentile Christians should not be forced to follow Jewish law. However, this was not a fundamental solution, as Jesus' teachings were based on the Jewish scriptures. Paul found the significance of atonement in Jesus' death. He argued that through Jesus' death, which atoned for Adam's sin, God forgave the sins of mankind. This is the concept of atonement.

Paul taught that only by believing in Jesus' teachings can one be justified and saved. Paul's concept of atonement made it possible to regard Jesus as an object of faith. Later believers went on to deify Jesus. Paul laid the foundation for Christian thought, including the Trinity and justification by faith.


Paul was originally a Pharisee who persecuted the followers of Jesus. However, after receiving a revelation from Jesus, he underwent a conversion. As a Roman citizen who could speak Greek, Paul was able to preach Jesus' teachings to the Gentiles.


The Council of Jerusalem decided that Gentile Christians should not be forced to follow Jewish law. However, this was not a fundamental solution, as Jesus' teachings were based on the Jewish scriptures. Paul found the significance of atonement in Jesus' death. He argued that through Jesus' death, which atoned for Adam's sin, God forgave the sins of mankind.


Paul taught that only by believing in Jesus' teachings can one be justified and saved. Paul's concept of atonement made it possible to regard Jesus as an object of faith. Later believers went on to deify Jesus.


Paul laid the foundation for Christian thought, including the Trinity and justification by faith.