

要約 【最強のトーク術総集編】「これからの時代好かれた方が有利になります..それには話し方ひとつで生きやすくなるから覚えておいてください」【コミュ力/戦闘思考力/話し方/話法/言語化/岡田斗司夫/切り抜き】


This presentation details tips and techniques for effective speaking. It explains the importance of using three different modes of speaking (speaking to the whole audience, speaking to an individual, and speaking to yourself) to create a rhythm and keep the listener focused. It is also stated that summarizing what you say in seven seconds or less and appropriately using "assertions," "stop embodiment," and "impressions" can reduce stress on the listener. Furthermore, the importance of facial expressions and gestures is emphasized, and "vertical" and "horizontal" gestural techniques are introduced to visually express the logical structure of the talk.



00:02 - 24:35

24:35 - 25:39

25:39 - 26:44

26:44 - 27:51

27:51 - 30:01

30:01 - 31:06

31:06 - 33:16

33:16 - 59:14


00:02 - 24:35
It is explained that there are three modes of speech (whole, individual, and soliloquy) and that it is important to use these differently.

24:35 - 25:39
It is pointed out that speaking to an individual creates tension and keeps the listener focused.

25:39 - 26:44
He explains that human concentration is limited to seven seconds and that it is important to summarize what you are going to say within seven seconds.

26:44 - 27:51
He explains that in order to become a better speaker, it is effective to use "assertions," "embodied stops," and "impressions" in conjunction with the 7-second rule.

27:51 - 30:01
The importance of gestures and facial expressions is emphasized, and "vertical" gestures that visually represent the logical structure of speech are explained.

30:01 - 31:06
The "horizontal" gesture is explained and a technique for speaking with the image of letting go of thoughts is introduced.

31:06 - 33:16
The essentials of speaking are summarized: simple logical structure, the seven-second rule, the use of assertions, suspensions, and impressions, and the importance of facial expressions and gestures.

33:16 - 59:14
Answers to viewer questions follow. Language of speech, how to express impressions, and tips for speaking confidently will be explained.