

要約 【高校生のための西洋思想】正義論

An Overview of Theories of Justice: From Rawls to Sen and Human Security



This lecture provides an overview of various theories of justice. It begins by introducing John Rawls' theory of justice, which critiques utilitarianism and introduces the concepts of the veil of ignorance, the principle of fair equality of opportunity, and the difference principle. The lecture then compares four major streams of American political philosophy: liberalism, libertarianism, communitarianism, and conservatism. Finally, it discusses Amartya Sen's theory of justice and the capability approach, as well as the United Nations Development Programme's concept of human security.

The theories presented in this lecture offer diverse perspectives on justice, ranging from Rawls' liberal egalitarianism to Sen's focus on individual capabilities and the UNDP's emphasis on human security. By examining these different approaches, the lecture provides a comprehensive understanding of the complex and multifaceted nature of justice in contemporary political philosophy.


(00:00) ジョン・ロールズの経歴と功利主義批判

(00:00) John Rawls' background and his criticism of utilitarianism
John Rawls was an American philosopher who had the experience of serving in World War II. He taught philosophy at Harvard University and criticized utilitarianism while being influenced by Wittgenstein. Utilitarianism recognizes the pursuit of individual interests and happiness but has the problem of creating disparities.

(01:05) 功利主義の問題点と不平等是正の必要性

(01:05) Problems with utilitarianism and the need to correct inequality
Pursuing utilitarianism leads to inequality due to individualistic thinking. Rawls believed that it was necessary to create a system to correct inequality and attempted to address this by reconstructing the social contract theory.

(02:09) 社会契約説の再構成と無知のベールの概念

(02:09) Reconstruction of the social contract theory and the concept of the veil of ignorance
Rawls focused on the state of nature in the social contract theory and introduced the concept of the veil of ignorance. The veil of ignorance refers to a state where one does not know their social position, abilities, gender, etc. Rawls argued that it is important for people to consider the principles of justice in this state.

(03:12) 原初状態での正義の原理の考察

(03:12) Consideration of the principles of justice in the original position
In the original position where the veil of ignorance is in place, Rawls proposed two principles of justice. One is that all people have equal liberty, and the other is that certain conditions must be met even if inequality arises.

(04:15) 平等な自由と公正な機会均等の原理、格差の原理

(04:15) Equal liberty, the principle of fair equality of opportunity, and the difference principle
Rawls argued that equal liberty should be given to all people. Furthermore, when inequality arises, the principle of fair equality of opportunity and the difference principle must be satisfied. The principle of fair equality of opportunity refers to giving equal chances to everyone. The difference principle allows for inequality to improve the situation of the least advantaged members of society.

(05:20) ロールズの正義論のまとめ

(05:20) Summary of Rawls' theory of justice
Rawls' theory of justice asserts that all people should have equal liberty, and even if inequality arises, fair equality of opportunity and the difference principle must be satisfied. While inequality may be tolerated for the sake of reducing disparities, Rawls believed that correcting disparities is fundamentally just.

(06:25) 格差是正と分配的リベラリズム

(06:25) Disparity correction and distributive liberalism
Rawls believed that it is just to distribute primary goods such as wealth, power, and self-respect, not only to a few people but also to correct disparities. This idea is called distributive liberalism and supports welfare state policies that aim to correct disparities.

(07:30) リベラリズムの変遷とロバート・ノージックリバタリアニズム

(07:30) The evolution of liberalism and Robert Nozick's libertarianism
Liberalism began with Adam Smith's laissez-faire approach and John Stuart Mill's utilitarianism, evolved through Keynes' active fiscal policy, and developed into Rawls' distributive liberalism. On the other hand, Robert Nozick, despite being Rawls' colleague, became his biggest critic and advocated libertarianism.

(08:34) リバタリアニズム最小国家

(08:34) Libertarianism and the minimal state theory
Nozick argued that individual freedom should be protected from state power and opposed income redistribution policies such as welfare programs. Libertarianism holds that the state should be limited to minimal functions to protect individual freedom.

(09:38) マッキンタイアのコミュニタリアニズムと共同体の重要性

(09:38) Alasdair MacIntyre's communitarianism and the importance of community
Alasdair MacIntyre is a Scottish philosopher who immigrated to the United States and taught at universities such as the University of Notre Dame. MacIntyre criticized Rawls' theory for presupposing a free individual independent of the community and argued that humans establish their identity by belonging to a community.

(10:44) マイケル・サンデルの共和主義的伝統と共通善の重視

(10:44) Michael Sandel's republican tradition and emphasis on the common good
Michael Sandel is a political philosopher at Harvard University, known for his lectures "Justice" which became popular in Japan. Sandel emphasized the common good shared within the community and advocated for the revival of the republican tradition. He also criticized Rawls' theory for not considering the sense of belonging to a community.

(11:49) アメリカ政治哲学の4つの潮流のまとめ

(11:49) Summary of the four currents in American political philosophy
American political philosophy can be divided into four currents: liberalism (Rawls), libertarianism (Nozick), communitarianism (MacIntyre, Sandel), and conservatism. Each position has different views on individual freedom, economic freedom, and the importance of community.

(12:53) アマルティア・センロールズ批判と潜在能力アプローチ

(12:53) Amartya Sen's critique of Rawls and the capability approach
Amartya Sen is an Indian economist from the Bengal region who became the first Asian to receive the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1998. Sen criticized Rawls' theory of justice for focusing only on the distribution of goods and argued that what constitutes a good human life are functions and capabilities.

(13:58) 貧困と潜在能力の関係、教育の重要性

(13:58) The relationship between poverty and capabilities, and the importance of education
Sen considered poverty to be the deprivation of basic capabilities and argued that it is important to expand the range of life choices. To achieve this, it is necessary to enhance capabilities through not only increasing income but also improving literacy rates and health conditions.

(15:03) 国連開発計画の人間の安全保障の概念

(15:03) The United Nations Development Programme's concept of human security
Based on Sen's ideas, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) proposed the concept of "human security." This concept seeks to strengthen efforts that focus on the individual's perspective to protect each person's survival, livelihood, and dignity, and to realize their potential, rather than just the state's protection of its citizens.

(16:09) センの正義論のまとめ

(16:09) Summary of Sen's theory of justice
Amartya Sen critically developed Rawls' theory of justice and proposed the capability approach. He argued that to eliminate poverty, it is essential to improve capabilities through education and other means, not just increase income. He also influenced the "human security" concept of the United Nations Development Programme.