

要約 マルセル・モース『信頼関係に最も重要なのは”贈与”なんだよ』/【贈与論】





This lecture discusses the theory of "The Gift" by the 20th-century sociologist Marcel Mauss. Mauss believed that human relationships are built and maintained through the exchange of gifts. Gift-giving not only has material value but also carries spiritual and psychological significance. When people receive a gift, they feel compelled to reciprocate, which deepens the relationship and creates a support system for times of need. Although gift-giving culture has declined in modern society, leading to weaker human connections, understanding and utilizing the power of gifts can help build strong relationships.


(00:00) 現代社会では人間関係が薄くなっている。モースは贈与によって信頼関係が作られ、関係性が保たれると考えた。

(01:07) 贈り物は面倒だと感じるが、贈与文化の減少により人間関係が希薄になっている。贈与には精神的・心理的な価値がある。

(02:11) 贈与は人間関係の基本であり、信頼関係を構築する手段。贈与には物だけでなく、行為も含まれる。

(03:16) マルセル・モースの経歴と、彼が生きた時代の社会状況について。

(04:23) モースは、世界各地の民族を調査し、贈与が社会を作り、人々の関係性を築いていることに気づいた。

(05:30) 北アメリカのインディアン社会では、贈与合戦によって民族間の平和が保たれていた。

(06:35) マオリ族では、贈り物に宿る精霊「ハウ」によって富や財産が循環し、コミュニティの人間関係が構築された。

(07:40) 世界中の民族で、贈与は人間関係を築くために欠かせない手段だった。

(08:44) 贈与は話しかけるよりも効果的に人の心を掴む。隣人との関係づくりの例。

(09:51) 会社間でのお中元のやり取りなど、贈与によって関係性が築かれる例。

(10:56) 飲食店経営での挨拶回りや、異性を口説く際の贈与の効果について。

(12:02) 贈与は自分の価値を示す行為。お返しをすることで関係性が保たれる。

(13:06) 結婚式でのご祝儀の例。贈与によって信頼関係が築かれていく。

(14:12) 贈与文化が減った今だからこそ、贈与は効果的。お返しをしない人とは縁を切るべき。

(15:18) 贈与によって周りに信頼できる人が増えていく。この世界は贈与したものの勝ちと言える。


(00:00) In modern society, human relationships have become shallow. Mauss believed that trust and relationships are built through gift-giving.

(01:07) While gift-giving may seem bothersome, the decline in gift culture has led to weaker human connections. Gifts have spiritual and psychological value.

(02:11) Gift-giving is fundamental to human relationships and a means to build trust. Gifts include not only objects but also actions.

(03:16) Marcel Mauss's background and the social context of his time.

(04:23) Mauss studied various ethnic groups worldwide and realized that gift-giving creates societies and builds relationships.

(05:30) In Native American societies, gift-giving battles maintained peace between tribes.

(06:35) In Maori culture, the spirit "Hau" inhabiting gifts circulated wealth and built community relationships.

(07:40) Gift-giving has been an essential means of building relationships among ethnic groups worldwide.

(08:44) Gift-giving is more effective than verbal communication in capturing people's hearts. An example of building relationships with neighbors.

(09:51) Examples of building relationships through gift-giving, such as exchanging summer gifts between companies.

(10:56) The effectiveness of gift-giving in running a restaurant and courting the opposite sex.

(12:02) Gift-giving demonstrates one's value. Relationships are maintained by reciprocating gifts.

(13:06) The example of wedding gift money. Gift-giving builds trust.

(14:12) In today's world, where gift culture has declined, gift-giving is even more effective. Cut ties with those who don't reciprocate.

(15:18) Through gift-giving, one can increase the number of trustworthy people around them. In this world, those who give more gifts win.