

要約【挑戦をする前に聞け②】結果を出した人間が黙ってる話 rの住人ピエロ



In summary, life's goals lie outside of one's daily routine (comfort zone). As long as one stays within their comfort zone, their goals will not be an extension of their current situation. Many people fear change and choose to maintain the status quo, but this becomes the biggest obstacle. To break out of the comfort zone, one must go through four stages (comfort zone, fear zone, learning zone, and growth zone). In the fear zone, it is important to face and overcome one's negative self. In the learning zone, one is required to repeat learning and have their own philosophical views. In the growth zone, learning becomes a habit, and one's sense of purpose becomes clear. Continuously expanding one's comfort zone determines a person's capacity. It is important to have various experiences while young and expand one's comfort zone.

(00:00) 人生のゴールは、いつもの日常(コンフォートゾーン)の外にある。いつも通りの日常を維持し続ける限り、その現状の延長線上にゴールはない。多くの人は、自分が今いるいつも通りの繰り返しの先にゴールがないことを悟っているが、そこから脱出しない理由は「ビビっているだけ」である。
(00:00) Life's goals lie outside of one's daily routine (comfort zone). As long as one maintains their usual daily life, their goals will not be an extension of their current situation. Many people have realized that there are no goals beyond the repetition of their current routine, but the reason they do not break out of it is simply because they are "scared."

(01:03) 人間は、本能的なレベルで変化ではなく現状維持を選ぶ。創造的にいろいろな言い訳を作り出し、挑戦をしない。「大切な家族がいるから仕事は半分程度の力でいい」などと言う人もいるが、これも創造的な言い訳に過ぎない。
(01:03) Humans instinctively choose to maintain the status quo rather than change. They creatively come up with various excuses and do not take on challenges. Some people say, "I have a precious family, so it's okay to only put in half the effort at work," but this is just a creative excuse.

(02:06) 芸能人や歌手が自殺をするのは、コンフォートゾーンの外で戦い続けているからである。小さなことを膨らませ過ぎて、頭打ちになっていく。受験生も同じで、目の前の受験という小さな事象に全力で立ち向かうあまり、ドロップアウトしてしまう。
(02:06) Entertainers and singers commit suicide because they continue to fight outside their comfort zone. They blow small things out of proportion and hit a ceiling. Exam takers are the same; they put all their effort into the small phenomenon of the exam in front of them, and as a result, they drop out.

(03:04) ゴールを設定し、コンフォートゾーンの外で戦う成長は桁外れである。例えば、東大生や京大生のゴールは、日課の積み重ねでは達成できない。そんなゴールを目指す人は、4つの段階(コンフォートゾーン、恐れの領域、学びの領域、成長の領域)を経る。
(03:04) Setting a goal and fighting outside one's comfort zone leads to extraordinary growth. For example, the goals of University of Tokyo and Kyoto University students cannot be achieved by simply accumulating daily tasks. Those who aim for such goals go through four stages (comfort zone, fear zone, learning zone, and growth zone).

(04:04) コンフォートゾーンを脱出するには、まず恐れの領域に行き、不安と恐怖と戦いながら方法を模索する。次に学びの領域で学習を繰り返し、成長の領域に達する。恐れの領域では、否定的な自分を乗り越えることが重要。
(04:04) To break out of the comfort zone, one must first go to the fear zone and search for methods while battling anxiety and fear. Next, they repeat learning in the learning zone and reach the growth zone. In the fear zone, it is important to overcome one's negative self.

(05:07) 学びの領域では、学習を繰り返すことで、ある程度の結果を出せるが、その先がない。学習を継続しなければ、恐れの領域と行ったり来たりすることになる。この領域から脱出するには、学習を繰り返し、自分なりの哲学的見解を持つことが求められる。
(05:07) In the learning zone, one can achieve some results by repeating learning, but there is nothing beyond that. If one does not continue learning, they will go back and forth between the fear zone and the learning zone. To escape from this zone, one is required to repeat learning and have their own philosophical views.

(06:09) 成長の領域では、学習が習慣となり、学習努力が当たり前になる。また、哲学的考えも成熟し、目的意識が明確になる。この領域では、恐ろしいスピードで専門的な立場へ向かっていく。
(06:09) In the growth zone, learning becomes a habit, and learning effort becomes a matter of course. Also, philosophical thinking matures, and one's sense of purpose becomes clear. In this zone, one heads towards a professional position at a terrifying speed.

(07:11) 学習の領域では、大きめのノートを使い、人生レベルで重要な点を書き込むことが大切。何度も恐れの領域と行ったり来たりしながら、物事の理解を深めていく。成長の領域では、学習によってもたらされた気づきが止まらなくなる。
(07:11) In the learning zone, it is important to use a larger notebook and write down points that are important at a life level. One deepens their understanding of things while going back and forth between the fear zone and the learning zone many times. In the growth zone, the realizations brought about by learning never stop.

(08:15) コンフォートゾーンを広げるという行為は、その人の器を決定づける。若いうちに様々な経験をし、コンフォートゾーンを広げることが大切。コンフォートゾーンの外で戦い続けた人間は、常に人には理解しがたい資産を築く。やりたいことを今やってみるしかない。
(08:15) The act of expanding one's comfort zone determines a person's capacity. It is important to have various experiences while young and expand one's comfort zone. Those who continue to fight outside their comfort zone always build assets that are hard for others to understand. There is nothing to do but try what you want to do now.