

要約【ios17】iPhone 神アプデで英語の発音練習に革命|iPhone15以外でもOK iOS17の新機能パーソナルボイスが衝撃…



In summary, the Personal Voice feature added in the iOS 17 update allows users to create a clone voice that sounds just like their own. This is an extremely useful tool for learning English, especially for pronunciation practice. Ideally, it would be best to practice with a voice similar to one's own, but this was not realistic until now. However, with the advancement of AI tools, this ideal has become possible with just an iPhone. The video also introduces how to use Personal Voice, precautions, and alternatives. As AI advances, learning English is becoming easier and easier, so it is important to actively utilize whatever can be incorporated.

(00:00) iOS17のアップデートで追加されたパーソナルボイス機能によって、自分の声そっくりのクローン音声が作れるようになった。以前紹介したイレブンラブズというツールと同様の機能がiPhone1つでできるようになった。
(00:00) With the Personal Voice feature added in the iOS 17 update, it has become possible to create a clone voice that sounds just like your own. The same function as the previously introduced tool, ElevenLabs, can now be done with just an iPhone.

(01:06) パーソナルボイスは、病気などで将来声を失う可能性がある方が事前に自分の声のクローン音声を作っておくことで、将来のコミュニケーションをスムーズにするために開発された機能。個人利用のみ。
(01:06) Personal Voice is a feature developed for people who may lose their voice in the future due to illness, etc., to create a clone voice of their own voice in advance to facilitate future communication. It is for personal use only.

(02:11) 自分の声そっくりな声が作れることによって、英語学習、特に発音練習に非常に役立つ。音源と自分の声が違いすぎて参考にしづらいという経験がある人も多いはず。英語学習的には自分の声に近い音声が理想的だが、AIツールの進化によってその理想が現実に。
(02:11) Being able to create a voice that sounds just like your own is extremely useful for learning English, especially for pronunciation practice. Many people have probably experienced difficulty using audio sources as a reference because the voice is too different from their own. Ideally, for English learning, a voice close to one's own is ideal, but with the advancement of AI tools, that ideal has become a reality.

(03:17) パーソナルボイスの使い方は、iOS17にアップデートし、設定からアクセシビリティの「パーソナルボイス」から設定。英文を読み上げ、15分ほど録音するとクローンが作成できる。言語は現在英語のみ。
(03:17) To use Personal Voice, update to iOS 17 and go to "Personal Voice" in Accessibility from Settings. Read out English sentences and record for about 15 minutes to create a clone. Currently, only English is available.

(04:21) パーソナルボイスの注意点は、読み方に機械っぽさが残ること、対応機種が限られていること。iPhone12以降でないと使えない。iPadMacでも作成可能。
(04:21) The things to note about Personal Voice are that the reading still sounds somewhat mechanical and that supported devices are limited. It cannot be used on devices earlier than iPhone 12. It can also be created on iPad and Mac.

(05:26) iPhoneが対応していない場合や、Androidユーザーの場合は、以前紹介したイレブンラブズがおすすめ。月額料金の有料プランが必要だが、文章の読み上げは自然。
(05:26) If your iPhone is not compatible or if you are an Android user, the previously introduced ElevenLabs is recommended. A monthly paid plan is required, but the sentence reading is natural.

(06:31) パーソナルボイスが使用できる機種の詳細を説明し、iPhone 12以降でないと使えないことを明らかにしています。しかし、iPadMacでも作成可能で、一度作れば他のデバイスとも共有できると述べています。

(06:31) The video provides more details on the devices compatible with Personal Voice, revealing that it can only be used on iPhone 12 and later models. However, it can also be created on iPads and Macs, and once created, it can be shared with other devices.

(07:35) iPhoneが対応していない場合の代替案として、有料プランのイレブンラブズを紹介しています。AIの普及により、英語学習がしやすくなっていることを強調しています。

(07:35) For those whose iPhones are not compatible, the video introduces ElevenLabs' paid plan as an alternative. It emphasizes that the spread of AI has made English learning easier.