

要約 追い詰められないとやれない人、先延ばしにしてしまう人を解説します



This video shares insights from clinical experience about the characteristics of people who struggle to take action without being pushed. This tendency is common among those with various mental health issues such as depression, ADHD, addiction, and anxiety disorders. To improve, it's important to take rest, seek help, deepen self-understanding through mindfulness, and gradually change behavior while making efforts such as setting goals and adjusting the environment. The speaker emphasizes that no one is perfect, and it's crucial to keep growing while applying an appropriate amount of stress.

(00:00) ストレスを適度にかけながら成長できるゾーンにとどまることが大事だと述べています。

(00:00) The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying in the zone where one can grow while applying an appropriate amount of stress.

(02:09) 臨床経験から、疲れている人やうつ病ADHD、依存症の人は先延ばしをしがちだと述べています。

(02:09) From clinical experience, the speaker notes that people who are tired, depressed, have ADHD, or struggle with addiction tend to procrastinate.

(03:15) 衝動的で誘惑に弱い人、特に若者やADHDの人、依存症の人は先延ばしが多いと述べています。

(03:15) The speaker mentions that impulsive people who are easily tempted, especially young people, those with ADHD, and those with addictions, often procrastinate.

(04:20) 受動的な人、発達障害や回避性パーソナリティ障害の人、引きこもり系の人も先延ばしが多いと述べています。

(04:20) The speaker also notes that passive people, those with developmental disorders, avoidant personality disorder, and those who tend to be reclusive often procrastinate.

(05:26) トラウマやPTSDがある人、完璧主義の人も先延ばしをしがちだと述べています。

(05:26) People with trauma, PTSD, and perfectionists also tend to procrastinate, according to the speaker.

(06:31) 追い込まれないとやらない人への対処法として、休息をとり助けを求め、マインドフルネスで自己理解を深めることを提案しています。

(06:31) As a way to deal with people who can't work without being pushed, the speaker suggests taking rest, seeking help, and deepening self-understanding through mindfulness.

(07:37) 治療の4段階として、休息と助けを求めること、従うこと、マインドフルネスをすること、自分と向き合うことを挙げています。

(07:37) The speaker lists the four stages of treatment: taking rest and seeking help, following instructions, practicing mindfulness, and facing oneself.

(08:41) マインドフルネスを通じて自分の状態を理解し、弱点を受け入れて次の目標を目指すことが大切だと述べています。

(08:41) The speaker emphasizes the importance of understanding one's condition through mindfulness, accepting weaknesses, and aiming for the next goal.

(09:46) 目標設定やスケジュール管理などの工夫を学ぶことや、心理的抵抗と向き合うことの重要性を述べています。

(09:46) The speaker discusses the importance of learning techniques such as goal setting and schedule management, and facing psychological resistance.

(10:51) 自分を変えるために、目標設定、計画、行動、修正のサイクルを繰り返し、必要に応じて休息やマインドフルネスに戻ることが大切だと述べています。

(10:51) To change oneself, the speaker emphasizes the importance of repeating the cycle of goal setting, planning, action, and modification, and returning to rest and mindfulness when needed.

(11:56) 具体的な工夫として、目標を細かく設定すること、目的意識を持つこと、環境を整えることなどを提案しています。

(11:56) As concrete measures, the speaker suggests setting detailed goals, having a sense of purpose, and arranging the environment.

(13:01) 先延ばしの原因を分析し、生まれつきの脳の特性、スキル不足、環境の問題などに分けて考えることが大切だと述べています。

(13:01) The speaker notes the importance of analyzing the causes of procrastination and considering them in terms of innate brain characteristics, lack of skills, and environmental issues.

(14:05) 自分だけが駄目だと思い込む人が多いが、誰もが程度の差こそあれ先延ばし癖があると述べ、完璧になることではなく、適度なストレスをかけながら成長し続けることが大切だと伝えています。

(14:05) Many people think they are the only ones who are inadequate, but the speaker states that everyone has a habit of procrastination to some degree. They emphasize that it's not about becoming perfect, but about continuing to grow while applying an appropriate amount of stress.

(15:11) 適度なストレスがかかる成長ゾーンにとどまることが大切で、楽になったと思ったらまたストレスをかけ、ストレスが強すぎたら楽な方に戻るなど、バランスを取ることが大切だと述べています。

(15:11) The speaker explains that it's important to stay in the growth zone where there is moderate stress. When you feel comfortable, you should apply stress again, and when the stress is too strong, you should return to the comfortable side, maintaining a balance.