

要約 ブッダの生涯




This summary contains the differences between Northern and Southern Buddhism, various theories about his birth year, anecdotes of his birth, episodes from his childhood, and the circumstances leading up to his renunciation. Furthermore, his practice until enlightenment, the first turning of the wheel of Dharma and formation of the Buddhist order, his lifelong missionary journeys, and his final message are discussed.



The Buddha is known by several names, but Gautama Siddhartha is not his real name. Siddhartha means "one who has achieved his goal." Shakya comes from his clan, the Shakya tribe, while the remaining titles of Shakyamuni and Buddha are honorifics. Around the 18th-19th centuries, even the historical existence of the Buddha was doubted, but today, his existence is considered certain.


There are various theories about the Buddha's birth year, but it is thought to be around the 6th to 5th century BCE. The location of Kapilavastu, said to be his birthplace, is unclear and is currently a point of contention between India and Nepal. According to an anecdote about his birth, he was born from the side of his mother Maya, immediately walked, and proclaimed, "I alone am the World-Honored One." Queen Maya passed away seven days after giving birth, and the Buddha was raised by his maternal aunt, Mahaprajapati Gautami.


Raised as a prince who wanted for nothing, the Buddha was an introverted and contemplative child. Once, he ventured outside the palace and encountered an old person, a sick person, a corpse, and a mendicant (the four sights). This led him to contemplate the suffering of life, such as old age, illness, and death, and the path to liberation from suffering through renunciation. At the age of 29, having fulfilled his duty as a king with the birth of his child, the Buddha left the palace and renounced the world.


After renouncing the world, the Buddha first practiced under ascetic teachers but realized that asceticism could not lead to enlightenment. After fasting to the point of near-death, he was offered rice milk by a village girl named Sujata, which saved his life. He then entered meditation under the Bodhi tree and finally attained enlightenment, becoming the Buddha. Although he initially hesitated to spread his teachings, he resolved to preach upon the encouragement of Brahma.


At Deer Park, he delivered his first sermon (turning the wheel of Dharma) to his former ascetic companions, the Five Ascetics, and the monastic order was formed. Thereafter, with Rajagaha and Shravasti as his bases, he traveled to various places, spreading his teachings. He continued his missionary journeys until his passing at the age of 80, leaving behind the final message, "Be a lamp unto yourself, with the Dharma as your light."