




After Plato's death, the Academy became biased towards mathematical speculation, but eventually shifted to skepticism. Later, Platonism flourished and merged with Christian thought. Plato's ideas were passed down from ancient times to the Middle Ages.


After Plato's death, the second head Speusippus tried to take the best of the theory of ideas and Pythagoreanism, but was ultimately influenced by Pythagorean mathematics. Aristotle, seeing this, left the Academy, stating that mathematical speculation had become philosophy.


About 50 years later, Arcesilaus became the head and shifted the Academy's direction to skepticism in opposition to Stoic philosophy. This skepticism, also called agnosticism, holds that the essence of things cannot be recognized by humans.


In the story of Carneades' plank, a man clinging to a piece of a wrecked ship pushed off another man who came later, causing him to drown, but was acquitted. This represents the skepticism of the time, which held that it is difficult to arrive at truth in ultimate choices.


Antiochus introduced the doctrines of Stoicism and the New Academy, breaking with skepticism. He declared that the human soul can distinguish truth. People after Antiochus are called Middle Platonists.


In 86 BC, in the war between Rome and the Kingdom of Pontus, Athens sided with Pontus but was occupied by Sulla. At this time, the Academy collapsed and the Academy school came to an end.


Philosophers who regarded Plato's written texts as important called themselves Platonists, distinguishing themselves from the philosophers who studied at the Academy, whom they called the Academy school.


In the 3rd century, Plotinus appeared and tried to deepen Plato's theory of ideas. Plotinus claimed that all things emanated from the One. From Plotinus' school, it was called Neoplatonism and was compatible with Christianity.


Augustine was influenced by Neoplatonism and fused Christian thought with Neoplatonism. His doctrine of free will had a great influence on the Western Church and the history of Western thought.


Over the more than 750 years since Plato's death, the theory of ideas underwent various interpretations and transformations. As a result, it progressed in merging with Christian thought. Plato's thought survived through ancient times and had a great influence as the source of Christian thought in medieval Europe.