




Pyrrho accompanied Alexander the Great's eastern expedition and studied in India and Persia. He argued that absolute good and evil or essence cannot be found, and taught that peace of mind can be attained through "epoché," the suspension of judgment. After Pyrrho's death, his disciples inherited skepticism, and the Academy also introduced skepticism to counter the Stoics. Aenesidemus created ten modes, and Agrippa refined skepticism using metaphors such as infinite regress and circular reasoning. Skepticism, systematized in the Hellenistic-Roman period, was passed on to the early modern period through the works of Sextus Empiricus, influencing Montaigne, Descartes, and Hume.


Pyrrho is said to have been born around 360 BC and died around 270 BC, making him a contemporary of Aristotle. He accompanied Alexander the Great's eastern expedition and studied in India and Persia.


In India, he learned from naked philosophers, and in Persia, from the Magi. He is said to have been particularly influenced by the three marks of existence (impermanence, suffering, and non-self) in Buddhism.


Returning to Elis, Pyrrho lived a simple life and taught philosophy, advocating peace of mind through "epoché" (suspension of judgment). He argued that absolute good and evil or essence cannot be found.


After Pyrrho's death, his disciples inherited skepticism. The Academy also introduced skepticism to counter the Stoics. Carneades of the Academy, while denying absolute truth, sought knowledge with probability.


Aenesidemus created ten modes demonstrating how sensory information varies according to various conditions. These include individual differences, differences in sensory organs, distance and angle to the object, and differences due to environment.


Agrippa further refined skepticism using metaphors such as infinite regress (reasoning continues infinitely), hypothesis (the starting point of an argument is unproven), and circular reasoning (the conclusion is assumed in the premises).


Skepticism in the Hellenistic-Roman period was systematized by Aenesidemus and Agrippa, and passed on to the early modern period through the works of Sextus Empiricus.


In the early modern period, skepticism translated into Latin influenced major philosophers such as Montaigne, Descartes, and Hume.