

要約 バラモン教のヴェーダとは?

要約 バラモン教ヴェーダとは?

バラモン教は、インドアーリア人の宗教であり、ヴェーダと呼ばれる聖典に基づいている。ヴェーダは、サンヒター(本集)、ブラーフマナ(祭儀書)、アーラニヤカ(森林書)、ウパニシャッド(奥義書)の4つに分類される。バラモンは聖句を唱えることで祭祀を行い、最上位のカーストとして君臨した。やがて都市化が進むと、思想研究が発展し、ウパニシャッド哲学が誕生した。ウパニシャッド哲学の中心は、ブラフマン(宇宙の真理)とアートマン(自己の本質)が一如であるという梵我一如の思想である。また、輪廻や業(カルマ)の思想も発展し、因果応報の考え方が生まれた。これらの思想は、のちの仏教にも大きな影響を与えた。瞑想の実践である yoga も、バラモン教の中で発展したが、次第にバラモン以外の人々にも広がっていった。

Brahmanism is the religion of the Indo-Aryans, based on the sacred texts called the Vedas. The Vedas are classified into four parts: Samhitas (collection of hymns), Brahmanas (ritual texts), Aranyakas (forest books), and Upanishads (philosophical texts). Brahmins performed rituals by chanting sacred verses and reigned as the highest caste. As urbanization progressed, philosophical research developed, and Upanishadic philosophy was born. The core of Upanishadic philosophy is the idea of the unity of Brahman (the ultimate reality of the universe) and Atman (the essence of the self). The concepts of reincarnation and karma also developed, giving rise to the idea of cause and effect. These ideas greatly influenced later Buddhism. The practice of meditation, or yoga, also developed within Brahmanism but gradually spread to people outside the Brahmin caste.


Brahmanism is the religion of the Indo-Aryans, based on the sacred texts called the Vedas. The Vedas are classified into four parts: Samhitas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, and Upanishads.


Brahmins performed rituals by chanting sacred verses and reigned as the highest caste. As urbanization progressed, philosophical research developed, and Upanishadic philosophy emerged.


The core of Upanishadic philosophy is the idea of the unity of Brahman (the ultimate reality of the universe) and Atman (the essence of the self). Thinkers such as Uddalaka Aruni and Yajnavalkya appeared.


Yajnavalkya inquired into the nature of Atman and concluded that the ultimate subject of cognition cannot be cognized. He also mentioned karma and taught the idea of good causes leading to good effects and bad causes leading to bad effects.


The combination of the concepts of karma and reincarnation gave rise to the idea of cause and effect. It led to a fatalistic view that one's present life is determined by actions in previous lives, and future lives are determined by actions in the present.


The practice of meditation, or yoga, developed within Brahmanism but gradually spread to people outside the Brahmin caste. This led to the emergence of free-thinkers who denied the authority of the Vedas.