

要約 100万円貯める方法 In Japan, Practical Tips for Solo Living : How to Save a Million Yen in a Year on a 150,000 Yen Monthly Income







食費: 収入の最大15%程度に食費を抑える。週に一度まとめて買い物をし、必要なものだけを買う。食事はまとめて作り、余分な分は冷凍庫に保存する。

衣類: 夏と冬の電気ガス料金をいかに減らすかが重要。日中は図書館や献血ルーム、大型病院で過ごすことを推奨。

住居: 1年以上住んでいれば家賃交渉が可能。また、火災保険以外の保険は全て解約する。

通信費: 大手通信会社から格安SIMに乗り換えることで通信費を削減。

その他: 車を持っていなければ、すぐに手放す。投資信託を購入し、残りの1万円は病院や冠婚葬祭用として取っておく。



This video introduces saving techniques for a person living alone on a net income of 150,000 yen to save 1 million yen in a year.

Here is a summary of the important points:

Food expenses: Keep food expenses to a maximum of 15% of income. Shop once a week in bulk and buy only what is needed. Prepare meals in batches and store any extra in the freezer.

Clothing: Reducing electricity and gas bills during summer and winter is crucial. It is recommended to spend daytime hours in libraries, blood donation rooms, or large hospitals.

Housing: If you have lived in your residence for more than a year, it’s possible to negotiate rent. Also, cancel all insurances except for fire insurance.

Communication costs: Reduce communication expenses by switching from major carriers to budget SIM cards.

Other: If you don’t own a car, get rid of it immediately. Purchase investment trusts, and set aside the remaining 10,000 yen for hospital visits or social functions.

By practicing these saving techniques, even with a net income of 150,000 yen, it is possible to save money by reducing expenses.