

要約 私の人生は「3の目」位という言い訳 rの住人ピエロ

【それバレてます】私の人生は「3の目」位という言い訳 rの住人ピエロ




In business, innate factors such as luck, environment, and talent are not as important as one might think. Effort and action are the keys to achieving success. Many people complain about their circumstances without putting in sufficient effort. With proper goal setting and determination, anyone can grasp success. Regardless of disabilities or personal characteristics, it is crucial to find a work style that suits oneself.


(00:00) 全ての物事は言葉で説明可能だと信じている。ビジネスにおいて、運は公平に存在し、それをつかめるかどうかで幸運か不運かが決まる。確率論的な考え方が重要。

(00:00) I believe that everything can be explained with words. In business, luck exists equally for everyone, and whether you can grasp it or not determines if you are fortunate or unfortunate. A probabilistic way of thinking is important.

(01:07) 回数制限のあるゲームでは、運の差が出るが、無制限のゲームでは努力量が結果を左右する。隣の人と比べて運が悪いと考えるのは間違い。

(01:07) In games with a limited number of attempts, luck can make a difference, but in unlimited games, the amount of effort determines the outcome. It's wrong to think that you are unlucky compared to the person next to you.

(02:10) 60億を稼いだ人でも、幸運や環境、才能だけでは説明できない。優秀な親や恵まれた環境はあったが、それだけでは結果は出ない。

(02:10) Even for those who have earned 6 billion yen, it cannot be explained by luck, environment, or talent alone. They may have had excellent parents and a privileged environment, but that alone does not produce results.

(03:17) 40年間のビジネスの中で、数え切れないほどの失敗や苦難を乗り越えてきた。それが今の結果につながっている。生まれ持った才能ではない。

(03:17) In 40 years of business, I have overcome countless failures and hardships. That is what has led to my current results. It's not due to innate talent.

(04:25) 今の結果は、生まれ持った才能や環境ではなく、ビジネスの中で積み重ねてきた努力と経験によるもの。人生は最初のサイコロ1回で決まるわけではない。

(04:25) My current results are not due to innate talent or environment, but the efforts and experience I have accumulated in business. Life is not determined by the first roll of the dice.

(05:32) YouTubeのコメントでは、才能や環境が重要という意見が多いが、YouTubeは誰でも始められるビジネス。才能はそれほど必要ない。

(05:32) In YouTube comments, many people believe that talent and environment are important, but YouTube is a business that anyone can start. Talent is not that necessary.

(06:39) 法人で月50万円〜100万円稼ぐのに、才能は必要ない。努力次第。日本の文化的背景から、そのレベルに到達する人が少ないだけ。

(06:39) To earn 500,000 to 1 million yen per month as a corporation, talent is not needed. It's all about effort. The cultural background in Japan is the only reason why few people reach that level.

(07:49) 早稲田大学合格レベルの頭脳があれば、法人で年商1億円は可能。個人で年収1億円を目指さない限り、先天的な要因を語る必要はない。

(07:49) If you have the brains to pass the Waseda University entrance exam, it's possible to achieve 100 million yen in annual sales as a corporation. Unless you aim for 100 million yen in annual income as an individual, there is no need to talk about innate factors.

(08:55) 運は、自分が欲しているものが確率的に起こること。試行回数を増やせば、チャンスに恵まれる。環境や才能が意味を持つのは、法人で年商1億円以上を目指す場合のみ。

(08:55) Luck is the probability of getting what you want. If you increase the number of attempts, you will have more opportunities. Environment and talent only matter if you aim for over 100 million yen in annual sales as a corporation.

(10:05) 自分の特性を理解し、それに合った仕事のスタイルを見つけることが大切。診断名や障害の有無に囚われる必要はない。日本社会の常識に惑わされてはいけない。

(10:05) It's important to understand your own characteristics and find a work style that suits you. You don't need to be confined by diagnoses or the presence of disabilities. Don't be misled by the common sense of Japanese society.