





In this presentation, the method of "talking to oneself" is introduced as an efficient way to improve one's English speaking skills alone. Specifically, the steps are explained as follows: decide on a topic to talk about, look up unknown words in a dictionary, and practice repeatedly until you can speak smoothly. Solutions for when you run out of things to talk about and tips for feeling a sense of improvement are also mentioned. It is suggested that combining talking to oneself with actual English conversation can lead to more effective learning.

(00:00) 独り言によるスピーキング力アップの効果的なやり方を紹介。スピーキングが上達しない原因は、話す内容、英語表現、発音、流暢さのどこかでつまずいているため。独り言なら、これらを効率よく改善できる。

(00:00) The effective way to improve speaking skills through talking to oneself is introduced. The reason for not improving in speaking is stumbling in one of these areas: content to talk about, English expressions, pronunciation, or fluency. Talking to oneself can efficiently improve these.

(01:04) 独り言なら、話すパートを1人で練習できる。野球のバッティング練習のように、相手がいなくても想像力を使って練習すれば上達する。シンプルだが、やり方を知らないと続かないので、具体的なステップと失敗の解決策を紹介する。

(01:04) When talking to oneself, you can practice the speaking part alone. Like baseball batting practice, even without a partner, if you use your imagination to practice, you will improve. It's simple, but without knowing how to do it, you won't continue, so specific steps and solutions to failures are introduced.

(02:07) 一人で1分間話し続けるのは意外と難しい。最初はうまくいかなくて当然だが、話すネタの見つけ方、話し続けるコツ、上達を実感する方法、スクリプトの使い方、練習の時間設定など、よくある悩みの解決策を一つずつ説明する。

(02:07) Talking for one minute by yourself is surprisingly difficult. It's natural to not do well at first, but solutions to common concerns are explained one by one, such as how to find things to talk about, tips for continuing to talk, ways to feel improvement, how to use scripts, and setting practice time.

(03:11) 話すネタが決まらない悩みには、日常会話のトピックがおすすめ。普段どんな会話をしているか意識したり、LINEを見返したりする。試験対策なら、過去問や予想問題で練習。それでもネタがない時はネットで検索。

(03:11) For the trouble of not being able to decide what to talk about, daily conversation topics are recommended. Be aware of what kind of conversations you usually have, or look back at your LINE messages. For exam preparation, practice with past questions and expected problems. If you still don't have a topic, search online.

(04:15) 1人で1分間話し続けるのは難しいと感じる人が多い。最初は日本語で考えて、英語でスクリプトを書いてみるのがおすすめ。スクリプトから、内容を代表するキーワードを抜き出すのもいい。自問自答で話を広げるのもコツ。

(04:15) Many people find it difficult to keep talking for one minute by themselves. At first, it's recommended to think in Japanese and try writing a script in English. It's also good to extract keywords that represent the content from the script. Asking and answering your own questions is another tip to expand the conversation.

(05:19) 独り言を続けても上達実感がないという悩みには、自分のスピーチを録音して客観的に見直すのがおすすめ。間違いに気づいたら、単語を調べたり、文法や発音を直したり、英文を繰り返し練習したりする。

(05:19) For the concern of not feeling improvement even after continuing to talk to oneself, it is recommended to record your own speech and objectively review it. When you notice mistakes, look up words, correct grammar and pronunciation, and repeatedly practice the English sentences.

(06:23) スクリプト通りに話せないという悩みには、スクリプトはあくまで土台と考え、アレンジを加えながら発展的に話すことが大切。スクリプトに縛られずに自由に話す練習をする。

(06:23) For the concern of not being able to speak according to the script, it's important to think of the script as a foundation and speak expansively while adding arrangements. Practice speaking freely without being bound by the script.

(07:27) スクリプトを覚えてしまうという悩みには、スクリプトにないことも話す練習が有効。1分のスクリプトで2~3分話してみる。スクリプトをパーツとして使い、アレンジを加えていく。自分の録音にツッコミを入れるのも良い。

(07:27) For the concern of memorizing the script, it's effective to practice talking about things that are not in the script. Try talking for 2-3 minutes with a 1-minute script. Use the script as parts and add arrangements. It's also good to make comments on your own recording.

(08:31) 独り言をいつまでやればいいかわからないという悩みには、1日30分を目安に設定したり、オンライン英会話の準備として行ったりするのがおすすめ。独り言とオンライン英会話の併用が効果的。

(08:31) For the concern of not knowing how long to do self-talk, it is recommended to set a guideline of 30 minutes a day or to do it as preparation for online English conversation. The combination of self-talk and online English conversation is effective.

(09:33) 独り言のやり方をまとめると、トピックを決めて英語で話し、わからない言葉は辞書で調べ、スムーズに言えるまで繰り返す。話すネタに困ったら日常会話や試験問題を使う。話し続けられないなら日本語で考えたり、キーワードをメモしたり、自問自答したりする。上達実感がないなら録音して見直す。スクリプトに縛られないよう、アレンジを加えて自由に話す。1日30分を目安に、オンライン英会話と併用するのが効果的。

(09:33) In summary, the way to do self-talk is to decide on a topic, speak in English, look up unknown words in a dictionary, and repeat until you can say it smoothly. If you have trouble finding things to talk about, use daily conversations or exam questions. If you can't keep talking, think in Japanese, take notes of keywords, or ask and answer your own questions. If you don't feel improvement, record and review. To avoid being bound by the script, add arrangements and speak freely. As a guideline, 30 minutes a day combined with online English conversation is effective.

(10:36) 最後に、集中力を高めるコツとして、鏡や窓に映る自分に向かって話すのがおすすめ。自分を客観視でき、しっかり集中しようと思える。録音する時は動画で撮影するとやる気が出る。

(10:36) Lastly, as a tip to increase concentration, it is recommended to talk to yourself reflected in a mirror or window. You can view yourself objectively and feel motivated to concentrate properly. When recording, shooting a video will boost your motivation.