

動画要約 8年間の山奥の自給自足生活で廃材だけで村民800人の村を作った超人を訪れてみた






An eco-village called "Yuruyuru" made from discarded materials was visited, and the village chief Hiryu explained its overview. This village utilizes waste to design a lifestyle not reliant on money. The villagers live freely while helping each other and benefiting from nature's gifts.  



Tucked away in the mountains of Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture, lies an extraordinary eco-village called "Yuruyuru," constructed almost entirely from discarded materials. This unique community was visited, and its chief, Hiryu, provided insights into its conception and philosophy.



The core concept behind Yuruyuru is to create a lifestyle that is not reliant on money by repurposing waste materials. The villagers live freely, helping one another while benefiting from nature's gifts. What started as an abandoned metal factory nine years ago has been transformed into a vibrant community space, without using any new lumber. Instead, construction waste and driftwood were creatively utilized.



At the heart of the village is the community area, where villagers gather for meals, movie screenings, and other activities. Heating is provided by a rocket stove, complemented by solar power generation. With 800 registered members, Yuruyuru offers various club activities and even has its own local currency, "Yule," used for skill exchanges among villagers, strengthening their community bond.



The village's operations are donation-based, and those without money contribute through cleaning and assisting with tasks. Since its humble beginnings in 2013, Yuruyuru has evolved daily thanks to the efforts of its residents. Hiryu himself built about 80% of the structures, with occasional help from larger groups during monthly or bi-monthly construction events.



One of the standout features of Yuruyuru is the tiny house village "Korokoro," where actual villagers reside. Shinya, a resident for two months, expressed his love for the Korokoro lifestyle. 



Yuruyuru welcomes visitors, but they must first register and receive an explanation of the village's concepts and design principles. Hiryu believes that this community, where people can enjoy life freely without relying on money, is a much-needed presence in modern society.


ゆるゆるは、廃棄物を活用し、自然との調和を重んじることで、この エコビレッジは持続可能な生活のユニークかつ刺激的なモデルを提示し、従来の廃棄物と消費主義の概念に一石を投じている。

By embracing discarded materials and fostering a harmonious relationship with nature, this eco-village offers a unique and inspiring model for sustainable living, one that challenges conventional notions of waste and consumerism.