

Video Summary Muromachi Era: A Time of Rampant Murder, Human Trafficking, and Insults "Villages Wiped Out by Death Notes"





- 室町時代には「デスノート」と呼ばれる、人を呪い殺す習慣があった
- 当時は武士だけでなく庶民も武装しており、殺人や人身売買が頻繁に行われていた
- 夫の浮気に対し、女性は女仲間と復讐することが認められていた
- 民間の呪術として「湯起請」という裁判方法があり、熱湯の中の石を掴んで火傷の軽い方が勝ちとなった
- 悪口のバリエーションが豊富で、特に母親に関する性的な悪口は大きなトラブルの原因となった
- 現代の日本語で唯一残る母親に関する性的な悪口は「お前の母ちゃんデベそ」である


- In the Muromachi period, there was a custom of cursing people to death, known as "death note.
- At that time, not only samurai but also common people were armed, and murder and human trafficking were frequently practiced
- Women were allowed to take revenge with their female companions for their husbands' unfaithfulness.
- There was a folk witchcraft called "yu ki ki ko ko", which was a court case in which a person grabbed a stone in boiling water and the one with the lightest burns won the case.
- There were many variations of bad language, especially sexual slurs about mothers, which caused a lot of trouble.
- The only remaining sexual epithet about mothers in modern Japanese is "your mother Debeso.

Shimizu points out that in the society of the time, individual legitimacy was emphasized, and the laws of the country and the rules within the group coexisted side by side. Mr. Ochiai also compares the spread of smartphones today to the spread of swords to the common people during the Muromachi period.




(00:00) In the Muromachi period, there was a custom called "Death Note" where people wrote names on paper and prayed for their death. It was particularly common in Nara and was believed to be so effective that it could wipe out an entire village.

(01:03) 室町時代には「デスノート」と呼ばれる、人の名前を紙に書いて祈ると死ぬという習慣があった。奈良で特によく行われ、村人全員が亡くなるほどの効果があったという。

(02:08) The Muromachi period was characterized by divided power and frequent warfare. Uprisings by farmers and monks were also common. Later, the shogunate declined, and warring daimyo emerged.

(02:08) 室町時代は権力が分裂し、戦乱が多かった。農民や僧侶による一揆も頻繁に起こっていた。その後、幕府が衰退し、戦国大名が登場した。

(03:13) Detailed explanation of the "Death Note." It was believed to be effective, and those whose names were written begged for mercy. Japan was a weapons exporter at the time, suggesting that many people were killed by Japanese swords.

(03:13) 「デスノート」について詳しく説明。効果があるとされ、名前を書かれた人は勘弁してほしいと懇願したという。当時、日本は武器輸出国であり、日本刀で殺された人が多かったことが示唆される。

(04:17) In the Muromachi period, nearly everyone, including commoners, was armed. Villagers could arm themselves and fight without hiring samurai. The line between professional soldiers and ordinary people was blurred.

(04:17) 室町時代は庶民も含めてほぼ全員が武装していた。侍を雇わなくても村人全員で武装して戦うことができた。専業軍人と一般人の境界はあいまいだった。

(05:23) Those with strong military power became daimyo. Both samurai and farmers carried weapons and were caught up in the warfare. However, there were also those who disliked war.

(05:23) 当時は武力の強い者が大名になった。武士も農民も武器を持ち、戦乱に巻き込まれていた。一方で、戦争を嫌がる人々もいた。

(06:26) When a husband cheated, his wife was allowed to take revenge with her female companions. Hojo Masako actually retaliated against her husband's mistress. Individual justification was emphasized, and there were unique rules even for human trafficking.

(06:26) 夫が浮気をした際、妻は女仲間と復讐することが認められていた。北条政子は実際に夫の浮気相手に報復している。当時は個人の正当性が重視され、人身売買などにも独自のルールがあった。

(07:32) In the Muromachi period, national laws and group rules coexisted. It was a situation where neither could be said to be superior. It is compared to the relationship between school regulations and the Japanese Constitution.

(07:32) 室町時代には、国の法律と集団内のルールが並存していた。どちらが優越とも言えない状況だった。学校の内規と日本国憲法の関係に例えられる。

(08:37) The spread of swords among commoners was decisive in the Muromachi period. Swords remained in rural areas even in the Edo period and were confiscated in large numbers during the MacArthur occupation. Disarmament is not easy.

(08:37) 庶民層への刀剣の広がりは室町時代が決定的だった。江戸時代になっても農村部に刀は残っており、マッカーサーの占領時に大量に没収された。武装解除は簡単ではない。

(09:43) "Yuigisho" was a folk ritual used to settle disputes. Participants put their hands in boiling water, and the one with lighter burns won. It was considered a divine judgment.

(09:43) 民間の呪術として「湯起請」があった。争いごとの決着をつけるため、熱湯に手を入れ、火傷が軽い方が勝ちとなる。神の裁きと考えられていた。

(10:47) "Yuigisho" was also used in trials for theft. Those who were presumed guilty based on circumstantial evidence were more likely to desire it as a chance to prove their innocence. It is said that they were acquitted with a 50% probability.

(10:47) 「湯起請」は泥棒の裁判にも使われた。状況証拠で犯人とされた人ほど、無実を証明するチャンスとして望んだ。5割の確率で無罪となったという。

(11:50) The laws of the Kamakura shogunate prohibited slander. In particular, the sexually explicit insult "motherfucker" about one's mother was a major cause of trouble.

(11:50) 鎌倉幕府の法律では悪口が禁止されていた。特に母親に関する性的な悪口「マザーファッカー」は大きなトラブルの原因となった。

(12:56) "Motherfucker" had two meanings, both implying that the mother was promiscuous. Being insulted about one's mother's honor was linked to doubts about one's own origins, so one had no choice but to get angry.

(12:56) 「マザーファッカー」には2つの意味があり、どちらも母親が淫乱であることを示唆する。母親の名誉を傷つけられることは、自身の出自への疑いにつながるため、怒らざるを得なかった。

(14:00) Japanese insults are said to have few sexual references, but the expression "your mother is a slut" is one of the few examples that suggests a sexual relationship with the other person's mother.

(14:00) 日本語の悪口は性的なものが少ないとされるが、「お前の母ちゃんデベそ」という表現は、相手の母親との性的関係を示唆する数少ない例である。

(15:05) The meaning of "your mother is a slut" is a provocation that "I slept with your mother," and it is a word that children should not use lightly. Ochiai suggests that sexual insults about mothers may exist in other cultures as well.

(15:05) 「お前の母ちゃんデベそ」の意味は、「お前の母親は俺と寝た」という挑発であり、子供が安易に使ってはいけない言葉である。母親に関する性的な悪口は、他の文化にもあるのではないかと落合氏は指摘する。

(16:09) Teachers tend to dislike majority rule and seek unanimous agreement. Shimizu believes it is wise to seek a third option rather than a binary choice between A and B.

(16:09) 教師は多数決を好まず、全員一致を求める傾向がある。AかBかの二者択一より第三の選択肢を模索するのが賢明だと清水氏は考える。

(17:15) Ochiai compares the spread of smartphones today to the spread of swords in the Muromachi period. While anyone can become a sender, he points out the merits and demerits of whistleblowing and other issues.

(17:15) 落合氏は、現代のスマートフォンの普及を室町時代の刀剣の普及に例える。誰もが発信者になれる一方で、内部告発などの功罪もあると指摘している。