

要約 仏教の分裂と教義の変化



In this summary, Buddhism spread from India to Southeast Asia, leading to various sects and the transformation of its teachings. The Buddha's teachings split into Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism, which further divided into sub-sects. During the reign of King Ashoka, Buddhism gained a foothold in the Indian subcontinent and spread to Southeast Asia.


It explains the introduction of Buddhism, the division of the Buddha's teachings, and the arrival of Mahayana Buddhism in Japan.


King Ashoka, who ruled the Maurya Empire in the 3rd century BCE, embraced Buddhism out of remorse for war and respected Buddhist teachings, such as reducing animal sacrifices.


Buddhism split into the Mahasamghika and Theravada sects, with the latter further dividing into 18-20 sub-sects. The sectarian Buddhists compiled a literary system called the Abhidharma.


The Mahasamghika became the precursor to Mahayana Buddhism, aiming to save all sentient beings. Mahayana criticized sectarian Buddhism, derisively calling it "Hinayana" (Smaller Vehicle).


Mahayana Buddhism, which came to Japan via China, is believed to have emerged around the 1st century CE. The teachings of Mahayana Buddhism are said to be explained on another occasion.